Different by design
You need an Investment Partner,
not an investment product.
(What’s in those anyway?)
Fiduciary & Fee Only
No Conflicts of Interest
The Right Incentives
Is OMNIWEALTH Right for you?
Risk-Adverse Value Investing Oriented Toward Long-Term Growth
Research-Based Fad-Free Stock Selection
You don’t have to subject your wealth to your fund manager’s emotions or questionable incentive structure.
We stay objective and rational through our research-driven process and clearly defined buy and sell criteria.
To select new stocks for your portfolio, we build financial models for hundreds of businesses every year. Only a few make the cut.
This way your wealth is protected by decisions based upon research, not emotions or fads.
A Custom-Fit Investment Portfolio and Client Experience
You are not just a number on a client list to us. You are unique and we apply our investment methodology to your particular situation and preferences.
No forcing you into legacy holdings. Just because we hold a stock we bought in the past doesn’t mean it’s still a good buy. We only buy stocks for new clients that are currently good purchases.
Ethical concerns about certain companies? No problem. We’ll make sure they stay out of your portfolio.
Specific tax considerations? Just let us know and we’ll coordinate with you or your tax professional.
Full Transparency About what is in your portfolio and why
We believe that knowing what you own and why you own it is the single most important element to investment success.
This knowledge provides you with the confidence and conviction necessary to (borrowing a line from Rudyard Kipling) “keep your head when all about you are losing theirs”
Our quarterly client letters walk you through each investment decision. And you can check your positions at any time, any day.
Direct line of communication with investment professionals
No dealing with service representatives or advisors who don’t really understand investing. At OMNIWEALTH, “…you always have a direct line of communication with the portfolio managers who analyze and select your investments.
No conflicts of interest
We are Fee-Only Fiduciaries and our sole source of income comes from our fully disclosed management fee.
We also built our firm so that our profits directly correlate to changes in your wealth, ensuring that your best interest and ours are always in line.
This is why our managers own the same stocks as you.
Portfolio managers who own the same investments as you
Virtually all of our professionals’ assets and those of their families are invested in the same stocks as our clients.
This is because we firmly believe that OMNIWEALTH’s investment program is the only sane way to invest in today’s environment.